The Riverside




5 Plus Architects



Completion Date


The Riverside is a £115 million mixed use development at the centre of a new leisure quarter in the historic City of Canterbury.The development will house a new public square; and overlooks the River Stour that runs through the city centre. The development will also feature a 5 screen cinema, restaurants, bars; & dynamic public realm space. The wider development will provide 189 new homes and 491 student bedrooms, all within a pedestrian friendly neighbourhood that knits into the existing community.

Walsh Construction

Committed To Sustainability

Sustainability is in our DNA and we have our own ambitious goals to achieve Net Zero as a business and with our designs. With innovative in-house monitoring tools, Walsh clients have seen on average reductions of 10-20% total embodied carbon, with some of our flagship work achieving 60-70% reductions compared with baseline figures.

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