Greenford Secondary School


Costain/Ealing School PFI


Ellis Wililams

This project is a cluster of school blocks varying in height from 1 to 3 storeys. The project was originally intended to be made using a steel frame, with pre-cast floors. However, we proposed a switch to post tensional flat slabs on RC columns which offered significant reductions to the building cost. Future flexibility was of concern for this project, therefore the slabs were designed with sacrificial areas to accommodate the possible future changes in servicing these buildings.

Greenford Secondary

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Sustainability is in our DNA and we have our own ambitious goals to achieve Net Zero as a business and with our designs. With innovative in-house monitoring tools, Walsh clients have seen on average reductions of 10-20% total embodied carbon, with some of our flagship work achieving 60-70% reductions compared with baseline figures.

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